Photo of exterior of a West Texas Betenbough home with beautiful landscaping.

Betenbough Homes

Mar 20 2023

Spring Cleaning Checklist

We've compiled a checklist to help make your spring cleaning a breeze! The grass is getting greener, the flowers are blooming, so it's the perfect time for a home refresh.

Kitchen Spring Cleaning Checklist

Empty and wipe down your refrigerator

  1. The kitchen can be a scary place to start when it comes to spring cleaning, but it's usually the space that needs it most! Take the time to fully empty your refrigerator, throwing out any uneaten leftovers or expired items. Wipe down your fridge's shelves and drawers before restocking.
  2. Clean your microwave
    Let's be honest, for most of us, this one is long overdue. From splatters of soup to splashes of pasta sauce, your microwave deserves a little extra care. Remove the interior glass plate and turntable, and hand wash with dish soap and hot water. Use the same soapy sponge to scrub down the inside of your microwave and then wipe it clean.
  3. Reorganize your junk drawer
    Need batteries for your flashlight? How about a lighter for your new candle? Odds are, they're in your junk drawer. Time to reorganize and toss anything that truly is just junk. Use drawer organizers to ensure everything stays in its place and is easy to find in the future.

Photo of stainless steel appliances in a Betenbough home's kitchen with white cabinets, a granite countertop, and a tiled backsplash.

Living Areas & Bedrooms Spring Cleaning Checklist

  1. Vacuum under the couch cushions. While vacuuming may be on your list of weekly chores, you've probably forgotten, or intentionally skipped, cleaning under your couch cushions a time or two. Remove the pillows and cushions, put away any stray items lost there, and vacuum up the rest.
  2. De-clutter your closet. Springtime is the perfect occasion for closet reorganization! Transition your winter wardrobe and evaluate any items that may need to be donated to free up space in your closet.
  3. Dust from top to bottom
    From light fixtures and ceiling fans to walls and baseboards, many important aspects of the home are overlooked when it comes to your average cleanup. Be sure to wipe down these areas to keep them free from dirt, dust, and stains.
  4. Replace your air conditioner filter
    This should typically be done on a monthly basis, but if you've forgotten now is a great time to switch out your air filter! Click here for a quick video on how to change your air filter.

Photo of a furnished, decorated bedroom in a Betenbough home.

Outdoors Spring Cleaning Checklist


  1. Wipe down outdoor furniture
    Warmer weather is on its way! Wipe down all outdoor furniture now so it will be ready for you to enjoy!
  2. Clean your doormats
    Spray down your outdoor welcome mats with water and let them air dry. Replace them if necessary. Vacuum both sides of interior doormats and wash if necessary.
  3. Inspect and maintain gutters
    Gutter maintenance should be conducted twice a year. Remove any debris and check for obstructions and leaks.

Photo of a furnished backyard of a Betenbough home.

Spring is the season when all is made new, and by checking all the items on this list, you can make your home feel like new! Click here for a printable version of this checklist!

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